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Study online at home - COVID-19

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For more than a month, students carried out distance learning because of the corona virus pandemic or Covid-19. So, how do students learn online at home? 

Can it run well and can it be maximized? To help students learn from home more optimally, these 6 tips developed by the PINTAR Tanoto Foundation Program can be tried by students. Also read: Children, Let's Learn to Know 4 Types of Plants. Summarize from the official website of the Teacher Sharing Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, here are 6 tips: 

1. Self-motivation Create motivation to learn in the following ways: Make an agreement with yourself if you can just do activities your favorite (such as watching or playing games) after all the learning targets have been achieved. Write and display your favorite motivational saying near your desk. You can also ask for help from your family or friends to remind you. 

2. Manage your time Use your study time effectively with the following Pomodoro technique. Set a daily target and your study hours each morning. Make a to-do list and communicate your study schedule to your family or friends so they can monitor and help you. Start working by following the Pomodoro timing technique: Make a to-do list Do the tasks for 25 minutes Check the list of tasks that have been done Take a break for 5 minutes Go back to work for 25 minutes + 5 minutes rest. This is one Pomodoro activity. After implementing the 4 Pomodoro technique, take a long break (30 minutes). After all the tasks on your list are done, do other activities for your personal development. 

3. Doing assignments and hobbies Make sure you can do the assignments given correctly with the following steps: Read the assignment from the teacher carefully. If you don't understand, ask your teacher or friend via chat, SMS, or telephone applications. For online learning, make sure you have prepared a cellphone or laptop, a stable internet connection, sufficient quota, and the required learning application. For project-based learning, make sure the tools and materials are readily available at your home. If there are problems, report it directly to parents, teachers, or communicate to friends. When finished, report or send your work to your teachers and parents. So that you don't get bored, after doing your schoolwork, you can refresh yourself by exercising, cooking, or doing your favorite activities. 

4. Ask people Even if you don't meet in person, that doesn't mean you don't interact with other people. You can stay in touch with the people closest to you to help with your learning process and make sure you know what's going on around you. Parents: you can discuss your project or current issues. Teacher: You can ask about assignments or ask for input on the results of the work done. Classmates: you can give each other news, discuss assignments and current issues. Learning resource websites and news platforms: you can search for assignment references and read the latest news. 

5. Repeat the material again. Just doing the assignment is sometimes not enough to understand the learning material. You can try the following ways to really understand the lesson by repeating the material again. Watch online learning videos. Discuss the material studied with your friends in group chat. Create a summary or concept map of the material that can help you repeat the material in the future. Do additional questions if you need more challenges. 

6. Continue and improve After trying this learning strategy, reflect again on whether this pattern worked for you: If it is successful, how can it be optimal?


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