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Let's Do Hand Wash With Soap - COVID-19

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The corona virus pandemic (Covid 19) has currently hit various countries around the world. Until now, there is no vaccine or drug that has been proven to be effective in treating the disease. The World Health Organization or WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC also issued an appeal regarding what to do to prevent this new type of corona. Efforts that can be done are to take various preventive measures, one of which is washing hands using soap or what we often hear as CTPS (Washing Hands with Soap).

Washing hands with soap is one of the sanitary measures by cleaning hands and fingers using water and soap by humans to become clean and break the chain of germs. Washing hands with soap (CTPS) is also known as an effort to prevent disease. This is done because hands are often the agent that carries germs and causes pathogens to pass from one person to another, either by direct contact or indirect contact (using other surfaces such as towels, glasses).

Hands that come into direct contact with human and animal feces, or other bodily fluids (such as snot, and contaminated food / drink when not washed with soap can transfer bacteria, viruses, and parasites to other people who are not aware that they are being infected. then become an intermediary in disease transmission.

Washing hands with water alone is more common, but this has proven ineffective in maintaining health compared to CTPS. Using soap in washing hands actually causes people to spend more time washing their hands, but using soap is effective because the grease and dirt will come off when the hands are rubbed and rubbed against them in an attempt to remove them. In the attached fat and dirt, the germs live.

All types of viruses including Covid19 can be active outside the human body for hours, even days. They can be spread through droplets, such as when sneezing, coughing, or when someone is talking. Disinfectants, hand sanitizer fluids, wet wipes, gels, and creams that contain alcohol are all useful in killing this virus, but they are not as effective as soap. When doing daily activities, it will be difficult for your hands to avoid viruses, bacteria, or germs. The reason is that the eye is unable to see the virus directly, so washing hands is the best step to avoid contracting the disease.

All types of soap can be used to wash your hands, be it regular (bath) soap, antiseptic soap, or liquid soap. However, antiseptic / anti-bacterial soap is often promoted more to the public. The type of soap is not important, this is because Covid19 is a virus, so antibacterial hand soap does not provide an additional advantage over other types of soap.

Washing with water alone is much less likely to remove the virus from the surface of the skin. So, wash your hands with soap (CTPS) because they contain fat-like compounds called amphiphiles, which are similar to the lipids found in viral membranes. When soap comes in contact with these fatty substances, the soap binds to it and causes it to escape the virus. It also forces the virus to escape from the skin.

How to wash hands properly? The first and mandatory is to wash your hands with soap and running water. Also make sure you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. You are also prohibited from touching your nose, mouth and eyes before washing your hands.

Here are six steps for washing hands recommended by the World Health Organization to prevent the corona virus:

Smooth out the soap with both palms

Rub the back and between the fingers of the left hand with the right hand and vice versa

Rub between your fingers

The back of the fingers of the right hand is rubbed against the palm of the left hand with the inner fingers of both hands interlocking

The thumb of the left hand is rubbed rotating in the grip of the right hand and vice versa

Rub the fingertips of the right hand on the palm of the left hand and vice versa

Of course, not all places have clean water, soap, and a sink. Therefore, hand sanitizers can also be an alternative. Always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer and use it after coming into contact with people and surfaces such as handles on buses or trains, door handles, or other objects that are vulnerable to being touched by many people.

Use a hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 60 percent or more. Alcohol-free hand sanitizers are also currently sold in a variety of places, but they are not recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC recommends soap and water because their processes are better at killing certain types of germs, including the Covid19 virus. Especially if our hands are dirty or oily


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